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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 33 - Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages, except beers; alcoholic preparations for making beverages.

Class Class Name
33 Acanthopanax wine [Chinese liqueurs]
33 after dinner liqueurs
33 alcoholic beverages containing fruit
33 alcoholic beverages containing spirits
33 alcoholic beverages containing wines
33 alcoholic beverages, except beer
33 alcoholic beverages produced from a brewed malt base
33 alcoholic bitters
33 alcoholic carbonated beverages
33 alcoholic cocktail mixes
33 alcoholic cocktails
33 alcoholic coffee-based beverages
33 alcoholic distilled beverages
33 alcoholic essences
33 alcoholic extracts
33 alcoholic extracts [except beer]
33 alcoholic extracts of fruit
33 alcoholic fruit beverage
33 alcoholic fruit drinks
33 alcoholic fruit juice
33 alcoholic malt based beverages
33 alcoholic malt coolers
33 alcoholic punch
33 alcoholic spirits made of highland barley
33 alcopops
33 anise [liqueur]
33 anisette
33 anisette [liqueur]
33 aperitif wines
33 aperitifs
33 aperitifs with a distilled alcohol liqueur base
33 aperitifs with a wine base
33 arak
33 arak [arrack]
33 aromatic wines
33 arrack
33 arrack [arak]
33 awamori [distilled spirits of millet]
33 baiganr [Chinese alcohol]
33 beverages (alcoholic -)
33 bitters
33 bourbon
33 brandy
33 brandy spirits
33 brewed wines of rice or millet
33 bubbly wines
33 cachaca
33 champagne
33 champagne wines
33 Chinese liquors

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